Alex Howard Group

Psychology Team

Sarah has a long-standing interest in the mind-body connection, exploring this through her academic...

Clinical Director

Jess completed a psychology degree in 1995 followed by a PGCE in primary education and, after a 10 year career in teaching...

Lee became interested in psychology following his own journey in recovering from ME, he crashed in 2016 preceded by years of...

Sam has had an interest in health, healing modalities and therapeutic practices since her 20s, and trained in a number of them..

Nicky was first diagnosed with ME in 2008 following a viral illness, she was able to recover and return to work as an external..

Originally from Scotland, Denise worked as a music journalist before becoming a web developer for The Guardian newspaper...

Charlotte initially trained as a musician and worked as a performer and teacher for several years before embarking on...

Ana Bárbara’s interest in integrative health and psychology began while dealing with her own chronic illness...

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About The Optimum Health Clinic

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