Alex Howard Group
November 25, 2021

New NICE Guidance of ME/CFS Published

On the 29th October NICE published the long-awaited updated guidance on the diagnosis and management of ME/CFS. This new NICE guidelines are the result of a thorough consultation process, which aimed to consider both the scientific evidence and also the ‘lived experience’ of those with ME/CFS.​​The OHC was delighted to have an opportunity to be part of the consultation process on this new ME/CFS guidance and we are so are pleased that the guidance recognises ME/CFS as a complex and chronic medical condition, with the potential to exert a profound impact on daily life. ​​The revised guidance also acknowledges the fundamental importance of remaining within the ‘energy envelope’ and pacing effectively – this is of course a concept that OHC have incorporated into our protocols for many years. The most significant and welcome development though, is the removal of all recommendations for Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) as a treatment for ME/CFS patients.​​For more information you can read the new NICE guidelines here:

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